Equipping & Empowering You
for Life in God’s Kingdom

Kingdom Ministry & Outreach

Course Description: Training for those involved in missions and ministry outreach or marketplace ministry. “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness” is one of the highest priorities Jesus’ modeled and taught for life and ministry as a follower of Christ. Without an understanding of what Jesus meant by the Kingdom of God one cannot understand His message, ministry, or properly interpret much of the Bible or live a life of discipleship.

An introduction to biblical evangelism, how to lead someone to Christ, pray for the sick, and lead others to freedom in personal or one-one relationships and in group or evangelistic endeavors.

Purpose: To equip individuals to minister in evangelistic settings, missions and ministry outreach, or after-service prayer ministry.

SETTING: 1/2 – 1-day seminar or 3-6 hours in multiple sessions

Lead by: Keith Martens

In this course. Above it is Jesus’ personal, interactive, and responsive relationship to His Father in Heaven and to love your neighbor as you love yourself. Together these form the most foundational aspects of what it means to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • 101: The Main Thing: The Kingdom of God
  • 102: It’s This Message!: The Kingdom of God is Among You
  • 103: Heal The Sick!
  • 104: Set Captives Free!
  • 105: Kingdom Living: Citizens/Soldiers


Praying to Win Series

Course Description: This online course provides an essential foundation for understanding and practicing a biblical approach to personal and group prayer utilizing God’s Word, Christ’s authority, and the counsel and empowerment of the Holy Spirit. This course provides individuals and groups a practical and effective approach to prayer to bring about the kind of change God wants and wills that can be applied in every circumstance of life and ministry.

Knowing God’s Word and promises is the starting point for effective biblical prayer and bringing about the kind of change God wants and wills. It’s the difference between the way things are or appear to be and the way things ought to be. summary description, outline, length, chapters, practical application, resources, etc.

  • 201: Lord, Teach Us to Pray: His, Theirs, & Ours

  • 202: Praying To Win: Attitude, Faith, & Power in Prayer

  • 203: Our Battle: Principles of Power & Victory

Freedom Prayer

Course Description: A practical training workshop to equip others to minister to individuals or as part of a team of 2 or more to lead others to freedom by using God’s Word, the Counsel of the Holy Spirit and Christ’s authority, to resolve negative patterns of behavior, recurring negative thoughts and feelings or other spiritual and emotional conflicts at their point of origin.

Purpose: to equip individuals and ministry teams to effectively pray for those in need in any setting–pastors, teachers, ministry leaders, lay persons.

Setting: A one day or 3 – 6 hour seminar in one or more sessions for individuals or those serving on prayer or ministry teams who are willing to pray for and desire to learn to minister effectively to those in need.

Lead by: Keith Martens

Course Description: Freedom Prayer is an interactive training workshop aimed to equip individuals and prayer team ministers and others who want to lead others to freedom in Christ by resolving emotional, spiritual, behavioral, and physical problems at their point of origin. This is a unique and revolutionary approach to personal ministry that requires dependence on the work of Christ to make truth known personally and directly to the individual receiving ministry.

This approach goes beyond the prayer minister’s reliance on a particular methodology, series of steps, or a learned program. It avoids the many abuses often associated with prayer ministries that either rely on or assume the prayer minister is operating in revelatory or prophetic gifts to guide or provide the prayer recipient with insight or counsel from the Lord.

  • 301: Introduction to Freedom Prayer – What It Is and What It’s Not

  • 302: Essential Keys for Effective Personal Ministry

  • 303: A 4-Part Framework For Freedom Prayer

  • 304: Maintaining Freedom and Healing

  • 305: When Nothing Seems to Work: Atypical Responses to Prayer Ministry

Trainees in this course will learn how to:

  • Rely on the Holy Spirit to be The Counselor to those they minister to without giving advice, using leading questions, diagnostic techniques or trying to be an intermediary for the Holy Spirit’s counsel to the person receiving prayer. 
  • Lead Prayer Recipients through 4 essential areas necessary for resolution and helping others experience real freedom in Christ. 
  • Test and discern how the Lord is leading you; and distinguish between what is “spiritual” (demonic), what’s not, and what may be mental illness. 
  • Help the persons you minister recognize how God is personally revealing things to them; appropriate God’s truth, and utilize Christ’s authority in life and on their journey to greater freedom. 
  • Utilize Christ’s authority to test for, expose, and resolve potential demonic influences hindering the Prayer Recipient’s freedom in Christ. 
  • Work as a ministry team: utilizing spiritual gifts in ministry, setting up and maintaining an effective prayer ministry team; providing a means for follow-up, accountability, and additional ministry in the context of a Prayer Recipient’s support team and immediate faith community; where a lifestyle of discipleship, accountability, and growth can occur as a contributing member of the Body of Christ.

In this course you will learn to utilize the Counsel of the Holy Spirit as He provides it directly to the person being ministered to (vs. being administered solely through the prayer minister or those relying on revelatory gifts alone.)

No pressure to counsel or be the one to sense how the Lord is direction or giving counsel.It also provides the prayer recipient the opportunity to recall repressed, unconscious, and dissociative experiences at the root of persistent negative behavior, emotions, including unresolved physical & spiritual (demonic) problems.