Equipping & Empowering You
for Life in God’s Kingdom

Thanks so much for your interest in partnering with us in our mission to equip God’s people for Prayer, Ministry, and Freedom in Christ! Will you please pray about and consider connecting with us in one or more of the following areas?


Join with others who serve on our Prayer Support Network (PSN) to provide critical prayer support for all God wants to do through in and though Kingdom Ministries and Counseling Center.

Financial Support

Whether with a regular monthly contribution, designated, or occasional one-time offering, your generous gifts to the Lord are His provision to help us fulfill the ministry and vision He’s called us to share. Thank you!

Ministry & Service

Get equipped to be part of a Ministry Team here at our office or on the road to the places God leads us. You can also be trained to serve as one of our Ministry Coaches to help equip others for ministry at our various training workshops & seminars.

If you have some time to give in service to the Lord, have some special skills, or just want to help out in some way while connecting with others, we can really use your help.